5 bronze furniture ornaments 18th century Renaissance Italy

N1906 S147

Discreet traces of use. Lot of collection to seize in state.


Materials: bronze metal. Type: folk art, decorative object and ornamentation.

4 drawer or door handle ornaments. No. 0324 03 ITALY.

Length 11CM. Height 3.5 CM. Depth 1.5 CM.

1 ornament for door handle.

Length 15CM. Width 2.5CM. Depth 2 CM.

Colours: bronze green. Renaissance patterns. Batch weight 0.5 KG. Country of collection: France.

Folk art lot listed in the PN catalog for collection and digital art model

PN ECRITURES uses cryptography to enhance a folk art - digital art fund

Creations encrypted scriptural solutions matched peer-to-peer to the PN catalog

PN alias Patrick NICOLAS has been practicing cryptology and scriptural art since 1964


5 ornaments bronze furnishings eighteenth Renaissance Italy

N1906 S147

Discrete traces of use. Collection lot to sixteen in state.


Materials: bronze metal. Type: folk art, object of decoration and ornamentation.

4 ornaments drawer or door handles. No. 0324 03 ITALY.

Length 11CM. Height 3.5CM. Depth 1.5CM.

1 ornament for door handle.

Length 15CM. Width 2.5CM. Depth 2CM.

Color: bronze green. Renaissance motifs. Weight of the batch 0.5 KG. Country of collection: France.

Lot folk art registered in the PN catalog for collection and model digital art

PN ECRITURES enhances by cryptography a fund folk art - digital art

Creations encrypted scriptural solutions literate in peer-to-peer catalog PN

PN aka Patrick NICOLAS practices cryptology and scriptural art since 1964

Materials: bronze metal. Type: folk art, decorative object and ornamentation. Colours: bronze green. Renaissance patterns. Batch weight 0.5 KG. Country of collection: France. Folk art lot listed in the PN catalog for collection and digital art model Creations encrypted scriptural solutions matched peer-to-peer to the PN catalog PN alias Patrick NICOLAS has been practicing cryptology and scriptural art since 1964 Materials: bronze metal. Type: folk art, object of decoration and ornamentation. Color: bronze green. Renaissance motifs. Weight of the batch 0.5 KG. Country of collection: France. Lot folk art registered in the PN catalog for collection and model digital art Creations encrypted scriptural solutions literate in peer-to-peer catalog PN PN aka Patrick NICOLAS practices cryptology a