Illustrated newspaper Les vigils des chaumières specimen n°1 November 2, 1907 Paris France


Lot of collection to seize in state.


BLERIOT bookstore.  Henry Gautier. Illustrated newspaper appearing on Wednesday and Saturday.

8 pages. Dimensions 22 X 32 CM. French language. Printed in France. Batch weight 0.2 KG.


Illustrated newspaper Les vigils des chaumières specimen No. 1 2 November 1907 Paris France


Lot to collect in condition.


BLERIOT bookstore. Henry Gautier. Illustrated newspaper on Wednesday and Saturday.

8 pages. Dimensions 22 X 32 CM. French language. Printed in France. Weight of the batch 0.2 KG.

Illustrated newspaper Les vigils des chaumières specimen n°1 November 2, 1907 Paris France PN17OPUS3P100-LAD, LADN33 Lot of collection to seize in state. Details BLERIOT bookstore.  Henry Gautier. Illustrated newspaper appearing on Wednesday and Saturday. 8 pages. Dimensions 22 X 32 CM. French language. Printed in France. Batch weight 0.2 KG.   Illustrated newspaper Les vigils des chaumières specimen No. 1 2 November 1907 Paris France PN17OPUS3P100-LAD, LADN33 Lot to collect in condition. Details BLERIOT bookstore. Henry Gautier. Illustrated newspaper on Wednesday and Saturday. 8 pages. Dimensions 22 X 32 CM. French language. Printed in France. Weight of the batch 0.2 KG.