LEE Filters 100mm System Mist Set

The filters in the LEE Filters 100mm System Mist Grad Set are designed to imitate the effects of fog and mist, and are suitable for use either alone or in combination with one another, depending on the desired density.

Contains three filters from the Mist Effect filter range.

LEE Filters 100mm System Selective Star Set Contains:

1x LEE Filters 100mm System Mist Clear Spot Filter (Gives a mist effect to selected areas of the image.

The clear spot takes the viewer’s eye to the most important part of the frame.)

1x LEE Filters 100mm System Mist Grad Filter (Gives a mist effect to selected areas of the image. Available with Hard or Soft gradation.)

1x LEE Filters 100mm System Mist Stripe Filter (Gives a mist effect to selected areas of the image. When used in the foreground it gives a sense of the depth of fog.)