About Us

In the forests of Burma, the curiosity of a young man was evoked as he watched villagers feeding the roots of a local herb to calm a herd of agitated elephants.

That man was Mr. M. Manal, the founder of Himalaya, and that herb was Rauwolfia Serpentina, the inspiration that led to the creation of Serpina, the natural antihypertensive, launched in 1934.

Mr. Manal’s dream of discovering the mysteries of nature began in the year 1930. Fascinated by the properties of Rauwolfia Serpentina, he was determined to bring into people’s lives the nature’s healing power harnessed through scientific research.

Himalaya’s product innovations took new forms through rapid expansion in new ranges.

As our reach spread in various segments, we underwent a rebranding to bring our entire range of offerings under the single umbrella “Himalaya since 1930”. We consolidated our portfolios in Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care, BabyCare, Himalaya FOR MOMS, Wellness, and Animal Health to evolve as a “head-to-heel” wellness provider.

Himalaya has been on a mission to make wellness a part of every home for more than 8 decades. We want to be known as the brand providing scientific herbal healthcare solutions. Loved by our customers for our ethics, values, and commitment to sustainability.