Listing for a bespoke A-Team Atari 2600 game cartridge.

Cartridge works as a normal game so put it in, turn it on and you'll be playing as Mr T's floating head in no time. By default the game ROM will be PAL unless you're in the US in which case I'll put the NTSC ROM on. If you'd prefer a different version just leave me a note.

Because the cartridge doesn't have the bits to insert into the slots either side of the cartridge connector you can either shove it in at an angle or (and I'd wholeheartedly recommend this way) you can poke something into one of the slots and then put the cartridge in. I'll include what I use which is basically a high-tech bit of a skewer.

If you're viewing the listing through you may not be able to see all of my listings; if you want to have a nosey at everything else please visit and they should be there.

Finally, I've had a few questions about the cartridge holder - it's not something I sell but you can grab one from

Any questions just ask.
