• [GROWTH]- Anthurium Pallidiflorum live plants or Flamingo Lily is an herbaceous evergreen plant that grows to 40 cm in height. The dark green leaves are heart-shaped and glossy. The inflorescence is made up of a cream yellow tail-like spadix and waxy red spathe.
  • [PLANT UNIQUENESS]- The anthurium flower (actually its spathe) is shaped like a heart. Its open, unique heart plant shape and long-lasting character make the anthurium a real symbol of exotic beauty. This live house plant is available in a wide variety of colors including chocolate, burgundy, cerise, green, pink, white and red.
  • [DIFFERENT SHAPE AND COLORS]- These indoor plants are popular in the floral world for its unique shape and bright color. The heart-shaped flower comes in vivacious colors. These flowers have modified bracts, called spathes. The actual flower of the anthurium house plant is tiny blooms that line the fleshy inner spike called a spadix
  • [MINIMUM CARE]- Due to its minimal care needs and its flowering for months at a time, the anthurium live plants make the perfect choice for beginner plant owners. Providing an anthurium with about half a glass of water a week, it will easily give you eight weeks of enjoyment from its colorful flowers. What happens when its flowers are spent? They are simply followed by new flowers. Every newly formed leaf will have a new flower growing next to it.
  • [PLANT OF LIGHT]- Anthurium plant responds well to the light but it grows on the tree trunks in its natural growing environments. Direct and prolonged exposure of leaves to sunlight can cause leaf burning and scorching. The provision of indirect and bright sunlight helps to improve its growth and development. Growing this live plant in mild or partial shade conditions is also helpful to boost growth. However, light must be provided for a few hours a day as otherwise, it can cause leaf yellowing.