The GaNS in the sealed test tube can be placed outside or inside the Water Dispenser and releases its fields to the water.

 By drinking the water, which has no direct contact to the GaNS, the fields can be transferred to the human body. 

Easy to use, it will always be there for you to provide the needed glass of water which will revitalize your body and mind.

Water Energizer 
Revitalize and energize yourself for a good well-being!

Just after a day of drinking this water, it gives wellness and energy to the body.

GaNS (Gas In Nano State of Solid) Highly Energetical

• ZnO -Elevate spiritually, peaceful positive emotions, removes ego, nourishes emotions, provides support for emotions, brings peaceful nourishing emotions. This GaNS is a powerful tool to help remove unwanted emotions and their associated side effects. Dr Keshe believes that our emotions are the root of all our diseases. By clearing our emotional fields, we can then allow the body to heal. Soul connection, brain, head and lungs, white tissues

• CO2 -This GaNS is great for balancing your Nervous System and helps to clear your emotional field by quieting your mind. Nervous system, integrates positive nourishing emotions into the physicality, white tissues, brain head and lungs

C+O+H+N - Each GaNS is also infused with the amino acids (COHN) for better integration with our physical body.

Vitamins: from IntraMAX 2.0 Contains:

Shungite: Shungite healing properties span the board from purity to protection. Shungite has electricity conducting properties. These shungite properties are also known to aid in the inhibiting of EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, that are the result of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields are created by electronic devices. Common electronic items such as laptops, cell phones, computers and tablets all put out EMFs.  Drinking this purified water is said to have many beneficial qualities such as an increased rate of healing and cell growth, and detoxification of the body. Holding and meditating amplifies the shungite healing properties of headaches, back pain, blood pressure, inflammation and muscle pain. The antioxidants in shungite are forceful impacters on health and a fully functioning immune system. Shungite healing properties are powerful for the spirit as well. It can be used to combat insomnia, boost energy, reduce stress and relieve anxiety.

Our bodies are plasma reactors. The body is designed to absorb plasma fields and covert the fields into the desired physical matter. Our body also releases plasma fields into our environment to attract fields we lack or fields we have excess of.

Due to the field strength of each type of GaNS the volume appears different in each tube.

I don't claim to have patents on any of my products. This is all open source technology. To learn more about Plasma refer to the Kf wiki for more information:

The products sold are Novelty Items I make no healing or health claims. Use at your own risk and liability.