Inspired by the mesmerizing performance of Gavin Harrison and his custom tree of cup chimes beside his Hi-Hats, we embarked on a mission to make these extraordinary instruments accessible to a wider audience. Understanding that his cymbal company had no plans for mass production, we took the initiative ourselves. Using premium B20 bronze and employing meticulous hand-hammering techniques, we've meticulously crafted our version of cup chimes that offer an even wider tonal spectrum than Gavin's originals.

While you may occasionally encounter rare sizes, weights, and finishes among these tonal beauties for sale here, our cup chimes are primarily offered in the 6", 8", and 10" sizes. Choose between a lathed, thin model or a raw (unlathed) heavy model. These unique chimes are available for individual purchase, as sets, or feel free to mix and match for the ultimate contrast of sounds! Explore more at
