Yoni oil is made with organic oils infused with the finest herbs. This blend has a delicate scent to help refresh and revitalize your most delicate area,also help eliminate vaginal odor, stop itching, and decrease vaginal discharge naturally,hellp vaginal rejuvenation and increase sexual pleasure.

Kojic acid essential oil yoni soap is to lighten visible sun damage, age spots, or scars,and make skin whitening,also help treat acne caused by bacteria in the skin. It may also lighten scars from acne that haven’t faded yet.It may be useful in treating fungal infections of the skin like yeast infections, candidiasis, and ringworm or athlete’s foot. If soap containing kojic acid is used regularly, it may help prevent both bacterial and fungal infections on the body.


pH balanced

Regular menstrual cycle

Yoni red tender

Vaginal moisturise

Vaginal rejuvenation

Anti yeast infections

Remove odor

Increase sexual pleasure


1.Organic & all natural


3.pH balanced

4.Yoni rejuvenation

5.Petroleum Free

6.No Dyes

7.No Fragrances

8.Planted based


Oil: Take 1-2 drops to vulva/yoni/clitorisand massage about 3-5 minitues until absorbed.

For aromatic,add 3-5 drops in your diffuser.


1.Run your Face & Body & Intimate/ Underpants under the water.
2.Lather up.
3.Smooth onto damp skin.