
Yes...this candle will do exactly what it says. Strongly spelled by Lala, to end infidelity, remove temptation, or keep someone faithful to you. Not to be confused with the loyalty candle, that makes someone loyal to anything. This fidelity candle is specifically designed for relationships. It will not seperate a marriage or breakup someone. Use this candle in your relationship/friendship/situationships and to pull your target away from the temptation of others and keep their fidelity to you.


Need Love? Some say, love is a choice. It is. Most will say it ends there. I have dug deeper and found that love can actually be created, generated and influenced. L'amour is a powerfully spelled candle that has the exact spirits attached to move a person to feel love for you. If they like you, they will love you. Works best on targets already known. Once the spell is performed, wait and watch. Do not intterupt the spirits at work. Love is not something you should rush, so allow them to work. Do not cause arguments or test it. Trust me, you will see it and when you do embrace it. Bring your love to it, so it evolves further. You'll notice your target doing things he/she doesn't normally do for you, wanting to spend more time with you, and even being more affectionate.

REMEMBER: Love is a language also, and based on how your target loves is how they will show you their love. Those will be the signs to look for also. If you do not know your targets love language Google "Love language test".

Good for

Committment issues

Getting someone to love you back

Bringing love back to a relationship or marriage (where it has been lost)

Halo or Un-hex, (and possibly Healing) is highly recommended first since there is a lot of spiritual presence in this candle.


What is it? - Tether is STRONGLY spelled by Lala to bind someone to you, a person, place, or thing. This means they will be attached to, drawn to, and clinging to what they are tethered to. WARNING - when used in a relationship it is not recommended UNLESS there is love and a MUTUAL committment. Tethering someone to you that does not want to be around you can cause them to be irritated. If this does occur (by using Tether unknowingly) use sweetening (and other applicable candles). Tether only what will bring happiness and joy.

Good For:

• Tie somone to you sexually

• Protecting your marriage by tethering your spouse

• Binding your mutual lover to you

• Tie yourself to love, happiness, etc. (you will have to be more specific as to what these things are).