Oi Ocha Bottle over a background of traditional Japanese woodblock print art

ITO EN Oi Ocha

Oi Ocha is a top brand for Japanese tea Drinks and pays great attention to the aroma and taste of freshly brewed, Japanese teapots (Kyusu) made tea. We offer a wide range of tea Drinks, tea Leaves, and Instant tea. Our brand name hails from a word that relates to the desire of drinking tea at home with one's family. We purchase our tea directly from tea farmers in the pursuit of the finest aroma and taste.

ITO EN Oi Ocha Unsweetened Green Tea

ITO EN Oi Ocha Unsweetened Bold Green Tea

ITO EN Golden Oolong Unsweetened Tea

ITO EN Jasmine Green Tea Unsweetened

Unsweetened Green Tea

Our signature drink. Pure, authentically brewed Japanese green tea with the integrity and essence of the whole leaf tea and all its health benefits.

Unsweetened Bold Green Tea

A brew for those who prefer a much bolder tasting green tea than Oi Ocha. Plus, it's even higher in the antioxidant catechin.

Golden Oolong Tea

The tea leaves used for this Golden Oolong are flowery, fragrant "Golden Cinnamon" and hearty and ripe "Iron Goddess". Oolong tea is semi oxidized, making it unique from green and black teas.

Jasmine Green Tea

ITO EN Jasmine Green Tea uses jasmine flowers that have been picked when the blossoms are at the peak of their fragrance.