
Medicinal herb based on arachichu or nightshade are prepared from its leaves and fruits. There are a large number of uses that can be given to the arachichu, which we name below.

Skin conditions. One of the most common procedures is the decoction of its leaves for 10 minutes. The liquid resulting from this procedure is allowed to cool and can be placed directly on the affected skin.

Shingles, Herpes Zoster, or San Antonio fires. The plant is used effectively in the treatment of cold sores (also known as shingles), which are an infection caused by herpes zoster (HSV-1), and often manifest as painful blisters on the lips. In this case, the leaves and fruits are crushed in a mortar, allowing a homogeneous paste to be formed that will later be applied to the affected skin.

stomach aches and arthritis. If the disease to be treated is stomach pain, the ideal is to obtain the Arachichu juice, the plant should be squeezed or crushed and then ingest 2 to 4 tablespoons of the juice. The root powder is very effective for ulcers and the ideal thing for joint pain is to cook the branches and apply it directly to the area. Important: Due to the toxicity of the plant, its use internally is discouraged today.

Headache and Toothache. Preparing a poultice and placing it directly on the forehead provides excellent results in relieving headache. On the contrary, for the treatment of toothache, the indicated procedure is to prepare a good infusion and gargle with it. Important: In case of gargling, it is important not to ingest the infusion.

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