SRI LANKA 100 RUPEES 2021 UNC THE NOROCHCHOLAI COAL POWER PLANT PROJECT IS AT CENTER OF THE NOTE,above which is the Laxapana waterfall with the cables that transmit the hydro-power generated by the waterfall.The bird on the right is the Sri Lankan Orange Billed Babbler (Turdoides rufescens) and the butterfly on the left is the Autumn Leaf (Doleschallia bisaltidae).Lettering:CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA HUNDRED RUPEES,Reverse,When the back of the note is viewed vertically,a Mridangam drummer is seated playing his drum.To his right is a Bharatanatyam dancer.The Naga (seven headed cobra) guard-stone is at the top right.The double floral design called the “Dvithva Liya Vela” appears on back side.Lettering:CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA HUNDRED RUPEES,Watermark,Printer;De La Rue (Thomas de la Rue;Thomas De La Rue & Co.;TDLR),London,United Kingdom (1821-date)