FREE SHIPPING!!! BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME: The triumph and tragedy of Michael Jackson’s last days by Smiley, Travis BRAND NEW HARDCOVER

Michael, Jackson’s final months were like the rest of his short and legendary life: filled with deep Lows and soaring High’s, a constant hunt for privacy, and the pressure and fame that made him socially fragile and almost - - ultimately - - unable to live.

With the insight and compassion he brought to the best selling story of Martin Luther King Jr.’s final year, Travis Smiley provides a glimpse into the superstar’s life and it’s emotional, honest, yet celebratory book. Readers were witness Jackson’s campaign recharge his career- - hiring and firing managers and advisors, turning to and away from family members, fighting depression and drug dependency - - while his one goal remained: to mount the most spectacular series of shows the world has ever seen. Before You Judge Me is a humanizing look at Jackson’s last days.

The 288-page nonfiction narrative tells the story of Michael Jackson's final days before his untimely death and offers a glimpse into the life of one of the most famous entertainers in history.


