• Good for Blood Purification
  • Helps in Water Retention
  • Improves Insulin Production
  • Builds Immunity and Helps Fight Off Fevers and Infections
  • Helps manage Menopause and PMS Symptoms
  • Boosts Memory Power
  • Great for One’s Eyes, Skin, Hair, and Nails
  • Controls and Maintains the Endocrine System
  • Protects the Female Reproductive System
  • Delivers Neuro-Stability to the Brain’s Hemispheres
  • Cures Headaches and Migraines
  • Improves Emotional Balance
  • Intensifies Feelings of Seduction and Passion
  • Fosters Positivity and Happiness
  • Strengthens the Will to Live
  • Inspires Creativity
  • Delivers Foresight
  • Opens the Path to Cosmic Consciousness
  • Imbibes Self – Awareness
  • Overcomes Inhibitions
  • Heightens Intuition
  • Increases Self-Worth and Esteem