TWO BOOKS - Jimbo's Livin' Out Rock n Roll 

I know, who wants two books, not even me. But here's the thing, two books ship for the same as one. So with the two book discount, same as one book shipping and the falling dollar (increasing pound), your pounds go a long way, almost a free second book. Now you can decide to either use it to prop up that wobbley table, give it to a friend or re-sell it on ebay. Up to you.

Some short stories about a few failed bands in the 1980s in London.

I have a few left of the original first print. USA shipping only for now.

Babysitters, Demon Preacher, Hanoi Rocks, Marionette Book.


I am only offering USA shipping only for now.

EBAY is offering outside of usa shipping, it's not cheap!