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Pure Body Naturals Lavender Oil

Pure Body Naturals Lavender Oil

Lavender Essential Oil or Aceite Esencial de Lavanda is a gentle scented oil, widely used for aromatherapy. Pure Body Naturals Lavender Oil is independently certified 100% pure and natural lavender oil, perfect to create a calming environment for relaxation. It has a fresh and powdery, sweet yet subtly woody and herbaceous floral aroma. Lavender Essential Oil makes a wonderful gift for beginners or enthusiasts interested in essential oils lavender therapeutic properties.

How It Works

The unique soil and climate conditions in Bulgaria make Lavender Essential Oil a perfect scent to create your own essential oil blends and mixes. When diluted with a carrier oils such as Pure Body Naturals Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oils, Lavender Essential Oil can be used for massage, baths, as essential oil for diffuser or humidifiers, and more. When applied to the skin with a carrier oil, Lavender Essential Oil is known to contribute to skin condition relief due to its natural antioxidant properties. The small bottle size makes it easily portable for travel in a purse or bag.


  • Stress and Anxiety relief
  • Headache relief
  • Sleep improvement
  • Abdominal pain relief
  • Bug Repellant


* Add 5-10 drops of lavender oil in your essential oil diffuser or bath to relax.

* For topical skin applications, carefully dilute a few drops of essential oil with your favorite carrier oil like Coconut Oil or Almond Oil to create a great-smelling lotion safe for the skin.

* For homemade cleaners, mix 4-5 drops of lavender oil for a floral, fruity scent.

* As essential oil for candle making, add a few drops of essential oil to your melted wax, ensuring it reaches a specific temperature range of 85°C to 90°C (185°F to 195°F) to enhance scent retention.

* As essential oil for dyer balls, add 4-7 drops of lavendar essential oil onto the balls. 

 Ingredients: 100% pure Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)