USA MEDAL BU U.S. COAST GUARD,CUTTER 753 SPEEDING HEAD-ON TOWARD THE VIWER,SEMPER PARATUS,This is the bronze medal version of the U.S. Coast Guard issued through the Armed Forces.Honor the Coast Guard veteran’s or your own service while recognizing the contributions of our military.The obverse (heads side) design depicts a Coast Guard national security cutter at full throttle, speeding head-on toward the viewer. The inscriptions “U.S. COAST GUARD” and the Coast Guard motto “SEMPER PARATUS” (Always Ready) are arced around the upper border. The hull number identifies the cutter Hamilton, named for Alexander Hamilton.The reverse (tails) design depicts two iconic symbols of the Coast Guard,a life preserver ring and the Coast Guard racing stripe mark,which is found on almost all Coast Guard craft.The racing stripes are depicted with a heraldic hatching tradition to indicate color.The horizontal lines indicate the color blue,while the vertical lines indicate the color red. The Coast Guard emblem, which is part of the racing stripe mark, is also in the center. Inscribed into the life preserver ring are the Coast Guard’s core values “HONOR,” “RESPECT,”and “DEVOTION TO DUTY.”

METAL:95% copper, 5% zinc(BRONZE)