Your health is important to us, so we ensure to source high quality botanical herbs from one of the UK’s largest importers, who source directly from growers across Europe, Asia, Africa & the Caribbean using trusted and approved suppliers.

We bring you the best quality, carefully cultivated herbs with high value at affordable prices. Many botanical herbs are still traditionally wild harvested, meaning you get herbs that produce potent results, helping your body to perform at its optimal level. All our herbs are subjected to rigorous quality controls.



In order to remain compliant with government regulations, and also with Ebay’s listing policies, we cannot outline any reputed benefits of this product. We can however assure you that this product performs to a high standard, assisting the body in whatever role it was designed to by mother nature, be it physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally.

A gentle reminder

Please consult a qualified herbal practitioner before purchasing this product for personal use.

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