Ok, people, here we go !

1st, we need to choose a website or platform to start working your magic.

There are so many professions to choose from. it's not funny.!

here's a list I've put together just looking at this one online computer game with a short explanation of each .

The investor :

   The investor typically buys into something cheap with a long-term strategy of holding .Riding the price as it rises over time , selling at the top to cash in the  profit .📈 

The Developer:

   The developer typically buys a piece of virgin land in an up and comming area on the outskirts of town. Don't laugh,  yes I am talking about virtual land in a computer game that can be developed by adding some other virtual asset. 

  Give the location a name, for example, so it now has it own domain in this 3d virtual space.

  [ Mad Marys cafe !. Or Land of the Giants  now has some extra added value that you created in which to sell.

The Flipper:

  The flipper doesn't care what he buys . He only cares about price with a massive discount. BMV 

  Below Market Value.

Basically, the flipper makes his money before he buys .

He already knows what he can sell for at the regular market price ,after raiding the contents and selling those separately.

The Trainer.

   The Trainer gives civilians skills by putting them to work. [ Computer characters in this case] who gain experience and, therefore, can be sold to another player/employer for real cash !

  Egyptian gods, for example, fetch more money because they do as they are told faster and work harder for you.

The Promoter:

The Promoter is the type that knows how to leverage their skills to an audience on social media.

Platforms such as YouTube and Facebook & tic tok get thosands of views. It takes only one time for that video to keep working for you.

Just as people now know online banking is not a get rich scheme or an amazon website is not a  multi-level marketing campaign to push usless products.

It is normal practice for online banks such a revolut to have an affiliate  rewards program .

For every  friend, you recommend that signs up for an account that bank pays you a £70 as a thank you . This is the model that works, and in the same manner, this is just one of many income streams to add to this adventure, sharing your own promo code.

The Raider:

The Raider sets up shop in a busy location. He is looking for vacant or abandoned property that is generating points rewards or resources that the owner is neglecting to claim.

Just as in the real world ,the Raider comes like a thief in the night to collect all those valuable goodies . The best part of this  is that you can't get arrested . it's  perfectly legal because it's just a game, right ?

The Miner:

The miner buys locations known for  certain  resources.  You may not be a gamer or have any interest what so ever in computer games.  All you need to know is that resources are the source of building blocks, and if you own that resource as in the real world you can sell it to make bank !

There is not much of a difference between silver and gold as a commodity when markets only trade the derivatives never to take delivery of the real thing.  In this way, a gold or silver mine or some rare earth element is as valuble,if not more, because it can and is exchanged for cash in these virtual jurisdictions.

The Builder:

The builder is the type that's  good at design. A 3d modeller, for example, is an architect that produces blueprints for a building or any project you might think to model.

1st step as always ,the creator needs to design it ,not only that needs to be protected by copyright and get paid if its good.

Rather than a 2d blue print, a 3d building or plan is also copyright of the Creator.

cut and paste can now be sold to another player with royalty fees to you no matter who builds your design.

The Builder is creating hollow buildings and getting a cut for everyone he sells.

The Sniper:

The Sniper looks for vulnerable targets. With lazer precision, he hones in and takes his shot with a bid to secure a BMV

Below Market Value.

If accepted, it is considered a hit, and the prize quickly dispatched  into the relevant markets according to its parts.

Hunting BMV 's with a gun that fires dollars is a great way to bring home the bacon.

The Crafter:

  The crafter knows how to create more valuable virtual  assets with the  recipes that take a long time to learn.

Adding two things together to create something more valuable than the sum if its parts is a phenomenon that occurs in the virtual as it does in the real world.

The crafter typically takes freenor low value items and combines them on what is known as his crafting table to produce an item more desirable.

The breaker:

Just like used car dealers in the real world ,a vehicle can be bought for scrap and stored for less than the fuel is worth in the tank.

If you have the digital space to store, you can use the fuel and then sell at a future time for its rarity or the models' new found utility .

A d9 or eath moving catapillar is no use until a project that needs one is commissioned is just an example. 

The Trader:

The professional trader deals in all of the above on a day to day basis.

  Usually laying in bed as you can't see the screen laying on the beach in the sun.

If you're interested in exploring the business of this crazy mad world,  just make your bid and send me a message through ebay.

check out my other items if you want to buy in now with a 7.5% discount Code  that works with every purchase.

I am happy to share my knowledge and 1st hand experience, so  until then, I look forward to meeting you !


  Over and out XR4JERSEY