Worldwide Shipping to any Country!
Portrait of Male Minifig with Gray Hair and Beard

LT 22032

Portrait of Male Minifig with Gray Hair and Beard

2x2 tile
(3068, 6142949, 25808)

Products pictures:


You pay shipping only once for multiple items purchased.

Insured shipping by registered mail with tracking by DHL.

Delivery time worldwide:
Worldwide shipping can take 1 week to 2 months, depending on the country! 
However, it usually doesn't take that long to ship. 
Unfortunately we already had cases where this unfortunately happened. 
We ship from Germany.


Sie zahlen für mehrere gekaufte Artikel immer nur einmal Versand.

Versicherter Versand per Einschreiben mit Sendungsverfolgung durch DHL.

Lieferzeit Deutschland:
in der Regel 4-5 Werktage ab Folgetag der Bestellung

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