KAPILAR protects cell membranes and improves the work of capillaries, establishes blood microcirculation in the entire organism, normalizes the exchange of substances at the cellular level.

KAPILAR balsam is applied:

Product details:

Based on the unique flavonoid dihydroquercetin, Russian scientists developed the preparation KAPILAR.

KAPILAR protects cell membranes and improves the work of capillaries, establishes blood microcirculation in the entire organism, normalizes the exchange of substances at the cellular level.


In case of leg fatigue and muscle fatigue, KAPILAR cream-balm helps restore tone, refreshes the heated skin of tired feet and legs, stimulates capillaries, improves circulation, and accelerates the establishment of normal tissue function.

In varicose veins and other disorders related to veins (heaviness in the legs, swelling, cramps)  Kapilar Balm improves the blood flow in the capillaries by increasing the capillary openings, thereby reducing the load on the larger blood vessels.

KAPILAR cream-balm strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their increased permeability, contributes to the improvement of vein tone. KAPILAR heals the inflammation of blood vessel walls, reduces leg swelling, and relieves pain.

In case of injury, hematoma, muscle strain, KAPILAR cream-balm regenerates damaged capillaries, normalizes blood flow in injured tissues. Reduces blood density and hematoma resorption time. KAPILAR improves the removal of metabolic products from muscle fibers, accelerates the establishment of normal tissue work.

The cream-balm contributes to the accelerated reduction of swelling and inflammation. Removes pain.

In case of pain (neuralgia, myositis, pain in the joints),  the application of cream-balms allows to reduce the degree of the inflammatory process in the nerve endings, to normalize their sensitivity and conductivity. CAPILLARY establishes the work of nerve and muscle fibers, reduces the expression of pain syndrome. The cream-balm stimulates capillary blood flow in the joint area, accelerates the removal of metabolic products, contributes to the healing of swelling and inflammation, and relieves pain.

In the case of serious injuries, muscle strains, hematomas, venous circulation disorders, due to its stronger effect, it is recommended to use KAPILAR cream-balms at the same time as KAPILAR tablets.

Packaging: 75 ml tube

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