Some assembly maybe required upon arrival. It comes in two pieces, the vase and the figure to facilitate the painting process.

It comes in two pieces, the vase and the figure to facilitate the painting process.

In a small town down the northern forests near the borders of enemy territory, an artifact with world-shattering power allegedly lies hidden from sight, possibly in the wrong hands. Among various others who tried and failed, a group of four brave adventurers was selected to retrieve the artifact no matter the costs. Their instructions are to locate and bring back the artifact intact by any means necessary, and not to stop before the goal is complete. Now, after a seemingly endless endeavor of searching for a lost mysterious object, they’ve finally found a lead: and it takes them to Birdfall Town.

The members of Hobbs Goblins are fierce reckless chaotic warriors, prone to destruction and all sorts of vicious crimes. However, despite the insane number of casualties that seem to surround every event, the goblins do have a code by which they live: our only family is our Hobbs family.

Birdfall town is made by armed, trained men ready to defend the citizens at all costs. Although not many perils wander around the city these days, the soldiers are always at the ready. Sometimes bored, sometimes a bit unwilling to collaborate with outsiders, but always at the ready.

Size: 75mm Unpainted
Printed in a standard grey resin and do not come primed or painted.
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