For sale is a custom unit that I have put together. Its a 2U 19 inch rack mounted pair of backlit VU meters.

The large visual meters are mounted into a laser cut piece of black perspex and has a front mounted power switch with a red LED.

On the back it has xlr inputs, calibration pots on the circuit boards and a 12 volt input, with a power cable supplied. 

The pcb on these models requires higher than line level to drive the needle to 0, so you will need to have a send where you can adjust the signal (ie a meter output or your monitor control or send the signal from a aux on your computer or mixing console).

The meters are passive and the power is just for the backlights (meters will move without the power lead)

These add a nice visual with an analog vibe into your studio. 

I will be having more models of VU meters coming up for sale soon.