AUTHENTIC product, bought directly from the manufacturer, not a cheap knockoff/copy. BEWARE OF FAKES/ KNOCKOFFS. FYI If a seller doesn’t post pictures that THEY TOOK of the ACTUAL product they have in their possession, it’s a high probably that they are selling a knockoff so be on the lookout.

Can guarantee that the Supplement is BRAND NEW, the factory seal has never been broken or even tampered with. Will be shipped to you as it arrived from the manufacturer. (See pics)

Expiration Date is December 12, 2025. 12/12/25

Each bottle contains 60 gummies or approximately one month’s supply.

Ships free first class, same day item is sold.

Most of the details about this supplement can be found on the bottle (directions, supplement facts, supplement specifics etc.) so i made sure to take detailed high quality photos.

Any questions or concerns you have regarding the listing, or any details you are unsure about please message me before buying so that I can answer your questions/ address your concerns.

You can buy from me with confidence, both in the integrity of the product as well as the speed/reliability with which I will ship.

If you’re happy the transaction (you will be), please leave me a positive review it would help tremendously and I would return the favor.

Thank you and have an awesome day.