Justice for Pamela - Non fiction


“It is one of the funniest and most heartbreaking books of 2023”.

“Keep tissues close by when reading”.

“It would make a brilliant but heartbreaking drama”.


It is a true and honest work including humour and heartbreak based on facts and is an account which follows Pamela and the writer from childhood through their life.  It highlights that Pamela wasn’t just an old woman suffering from dementia as the authorities viewed her.  She was a person in her own right, a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Wife, Mum, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

It also highlights the cover up of neglect, abuse and the heartache suffered behind closed doors caused by those who are supposed to care.  It clearly emphasises the greed within the caring sector and the battle to get Justice.

Was Justice granted or ......... ?

Chapter One 

Family Life & Growing Up Through the Years

It was during my darkest days that I knew I had to write. The need to write came from the loss of happiness, deep pain and despair. Mum is the focus for writing but as my mind was racing with sad thoughts and memories, I decided to go back to the very beginning to when Mum and Dad first met. Also, to include how family life was lived and to share my own views and painful experiences through my life as I slowly guide you towards the reason this book is sadly necessary.

My main thoughts whilst writing is that I wished it hadn't been necessary to write at all and it's with a heavy heart I thank you for reading my book.

Mum, Pamela Robins, was the prettiest of the three girls………………....