This antique East African Maasai sword, known as seme, is a rare and valuable piece that dates back to the mid 20th century. Its unique double-edge blade and traditional design make it a highly sought-after item for collectors of African antiques. The sword was expertly crafted by skilled Maasai artisans and represents a rich cultural heritage.

We're so excited to present this African Maasai sword from Kenya. Swords like these are referred to as "Semes" by the Maasai people. They are the constant side arm of the Maasai warrior. The sword is light and short, with a double-edged, leaf-shaped spatula blade made from steel. The sheath is made from real leather dyed red. Red is an important color among the Maasai warriors, because it symbolizes blood and bravery. The color is often worn by Maasai warriors as they believe it will protect them against wild animals. Historically, the Maasai people would give these swords as a rite of passage from boyhood to the status of junior warrior. This usually happens between the ages of 15 to 21. Upon their graduation, each warrior receives a sword like this, which they will retain throughout adulthood. The Maasai people use this blade for everything from clearing bush to butchering cattle or peeling fruit! They also us these swords for self-defense. Each of these swords is approximately 20" long. It can be difficult initially to pull the sword from the sheath, but over time it should become easier

Whether you are a collector or simply appreciate the beauty and history of African antiques, this seme is sure to be a stunning addition to your collection. Its intricate details and rich history make it a true treasure that will be cherished for generations.