Kitbash unit with GW parts only! Can make grave guard with sword and shield, Deathrattle skeletons in AoS, or skeletons, armored skeletons and graveguard for WFB


30 grave guard bodies— half are built, half are torso and legs to assemble from grave guard kit

More than 30 sword arms from Skeleton warriors kit

More than 30 shields mixed from deathrattle and skeleton warrior kit

16 spears from skeleton warrior kit

30 shield arms from grave guard kit

30+ heads from deathrattle kit

Complete metal armored skeleton command (musician, standard bearer, champion)

Complete metal graveguard command (musician, standard bearer, champion)

Metal skeleton command (musician, standard bearer, champion)

40 25mm square bases

40 25mm round bases

All fit really well together and look unique! They work as either skeletons or graveguard!

39 total models.