Gather ye round the old Ebay campfire and hear the tale of Dr. Eisenbarth, the PT Barnum of 18th Century Medicine! Though lacking formal training (and perhaps even skill) this self-taught "surgeon" and "dentist" traveled all over the German States with a large entourage, drawing festive crowds complete with musical entertainment and harlequins. All wanted to see the great doctor in action. From his black bag he conjured up an arsenal of bizarre medical "tools", which included an ample supply of opium, and went to work. His marketing was not limited to his live performances. He also concocted remedies in his home and sold them far and wide. We haven't found any record of what his cure rate was.

If you raised an eyebrow at this story, we didn't make it up! See:

This very scarce, original, colorful, ornate and humorous 2 Mark bill was issued by the town of Hannover where Eisenbarth was laid to rest.  The front shows the google-eyed doctor in all his glory, a gold walking stick in one hand and a giant drill (?) or needle (?) in the other, and it only gets wilder from there.

The full width illustration on back shows him pulling a hapless patient's tooth. The poor chap is tied to a chair, squirming in pain, his face ghostly white, his jaw burning red. Meanwhile, the town watchman lies nearby in a deep stupor, brought on by having imbibed from a giant jug labelled OPIUM. The top inscription reads: "Curing the People according to my Means and Methods". The bottom one reads: "The Nightwatchman Dideldum, him I gave 10 Pounds of Opium". Which no doubt makes this the only circulating banknote in the world to extol such substance in particular and quack medicine in general.

The takeaway: check the wall for your physician's license.

Oh, and consider buying this INCREDIBLE piece of medical, financial, folklore and art history. It remains in choice crisp uncirculated condition.

Practically priceless, but priced within reach of all who wish to share in the legend of Dr. Eisenbarth.

Another Historic Treasure from Collect-a-thon! Stay tuned for more deliriously delightful discoveries.