Sell NBA games from my private collection Chicago Bulls complete playoffs run from 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 & 1998 for a total of 116 games.

-Format : 112 games in mp4 format and 4 games in DVD format (around 13Gb/game)

-Broadcast : NBC, TNT, TBS original broadcast with pregame show, halftime report containing resumes of the other playoffs series.

-Quality : very good

-Complete games ? yes, except : 

1991 vs Sixers G2 (miss last 35 seconds and 2 FTs)

1993 vs Hawks G2 JIP 4-0

1996 vs Heat G2 JIP 10-2

1996 vs Knicks G4 JIP start of 2nd QT

1997 vs Hawks G4 JIP 26-16

[JIP : "join in progress" because of doubleheader]

Games will be stocked on 2Tb HDD new & under warranty in ExFAT format to be compatible on both PC & MAC.

If you already have an external hard drive, I can send download links.

Message me if you have any questions.