A 3D-Printed Wire Wrap Tool Perfect for any Project

What is it?

Wire Wrap Tool for Arduino, ATtiny85, Raspberry Pi projects or tinkering and prototyping electronic projects. Make connections without the need for soldering. Works with 26 - 30 AWG gauge wire for much stronger connections and fits between pin headers making it very handy for prototyping microcontroller projects. MADE IN USA, 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! U.S. FREE SHIPPING!

Pack includes:

  • 2 Wire Wrap Tools, 3D printed, made with high quality PLA filament.
  • 2 replacement tips.


Insert one end of stripped wire through tiny hole, place larger hole over header pin, hold other end of wire and twist tool upward to make a connection.

Why did you make it?

To help DIY electronic hobbyists quickly and easily prototype awesome ideas with wire wrapping!

What makes it special?

It has been made with precision to work with small pin headers like those found on Arduino, ATtiny85 and Raspberry Pi.

The prototyping stage of any project can be both exciting and terrifying in equal measure. A good rule of thumb is to avoid doing anything permanent before you can confirm it works. Case in point: it’s probably best to leave the soldering for later.

That's where this handy Wire Wrap Tool comes in. You can use it on your Arduino, ATtiny85, or Raspberry Pi projects to make connections without the need for soldering. Simply insert one end of a stripped wire through the smaller hole and place the larger hole over the header pin. Grab the other end of the wire and twist the tool upward to make the connection. 

Makers and hobbyists can use this tool to quickly prototype their ideas.