Sumerian Frosted Lapis Bead Necklace
$158.00 - $96.85 (You save $61.15)

The striking combination of bright, blue lapis lazuli and polished gold was as favored by the ancient Sumerians as it was by the Egyptians. The Sumerians inhabited lower Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from the middle of the 4th millennium B.C. until about 1792 B.C. They learned early on how to shape gold, silver, copper, and bronze into useful objects. Necklaces, other jewelry, boxes, and statues richly embellished with gold and lapis were found among the many treasures excavated at the royal cemetery at Ur.

Made in the USA by Museum Reproductions
These high-quality pieces are part of our regular line, once available only to museums, now available direct to you! Our authorized jewelry is created under license from some of the most prestigious museum collections around the world. We are proud to be the leading source of wholesale jewelry reproductions for 50 years.