The Left and the French Revolution (Revolutionary Studies) von Morris Slavin

Art Nr.: 1573924342
ISBN 13: 9781573924344
B-Nr: INF1100350470
ReleaseYear: 1995
Published by: Humanity Books
Cover: Gebundene Ausgabe
Cover Format: 231x152x23 mm
Pages: 200
Weight: 399 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Morris Slavin

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The essays in this collection, although written at different times and on different subjects, have a common theme—they examine the French Revolution 'from below.' The authors examine the artisans and craftsmen of Paris, the small businessmen, the wives and daughters of urban dwellers, and the members of a great variety of professions. These interesting historical studies show that, with hardly an exception these common people were active politically and were driven to risk their lives in demonstrations and insurrections for something more than the need to fill their stomachs.