McIntosh MA230 Stereophonic PreAmp-Amplifier Tube No Cabinet Needs Cleaned Works.

This McIntosh MA230 Stereophonic PreAmp-Amplifier Tube is a great addition to any vintage audio collection. With its powerful integrated amplifier and sleek design, it delivers high-quality sound that will enhance your listening experience. From what we have tested the unit seems in working condition.

The brand is highly respected in the audio industry, and this model in particular is sought after by collectors. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add a piece of audio history to your collection.

There is NO WOODEN case/cabinet for this unit and we accounted for that in our pricing. Cabinets can be purchased for around four hundred US dollars or if you are handy at carpentry you could make your own for much less. This unit could use a good cleaning to make it sparkle once again.

We made a couple of videos that are posted on YouTube that you can view if you’d like to see it operating. Parts 1 & 2

Copy & Paste links:



The item has been tested in some areas to the best of our ability. The areas we tested are shown in the videos and as you’ll see they work. Untested areas are unknown, please watch the videos and ask questions if you are unsure before you make your purchase, we’ll do my best to answer them; we are not radio technicians.

This Item was purchased at auction.