Get ready to dive into the life of Alexander Barclay, a renowned mountain man, with this captivating narrative and diary written by George P. Hammond. The hardcover book, published by Old West Publishing Company, is a must-have addition to any book collection. This book, written in English and published in 1976, is perfect for those interested in mountaineering and the life of mountain men. The book title itself, "Alexander Barclay: Mountain Man Narrative and Diary 1810-1855," gives a glimpse of what you can expect from this fascinating read. Get your hands on a signed copy of this book and unravel the adventures of Alexander Barclay.

From London Corsetier to Pioneer Farmer in Canada, Bookkeeper in St. Louis, Superintendent of Bent's Fort, Fur Trader and Mountain Man in Colorado and New Mexico, Builder of Barclay's Fort on the Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico in 1848.  A narrative of his career, 1810 to 1855, His Memorandum Diary, 1845 to 1850.