Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 3000mg
Dietary Supplement

Made in the United States

2 Bottles, 120 Softgels

Product Description.
Coconut oil is a "good fat," according to Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who traveled the world discovering the benefits of this oil consumed by the people of the Pacific Islands. Essential fats, such as fish oil, are fats that must be in our diets. Even though coconut oil isn't essential, it is a powerful saturated fat with many benefits. Coconut oil supplements can boost immunity, help fight illnesses and aid in digestion.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

Reduce High Blood Pressure.
Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only increase the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL cholesterol)  in your body, but also help convert the LDL "bad" cholesterol into good cholesterols. By increasing the HDL in the body, it helps promote heart health and lower the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil also benefits the heart by lowering high triglycerides.

Urinary Tract Health.
Coconut oil has been known to clear up and heal urinary tract infection (UTI) and kidney infections. The MCFAs in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on bacteria and killing them. Research also shows that coconut oil directly protects the liver from damage. Coconut water also helps hydrate and support the healing process. Doctors have even injected coconut water to clear up kidney stones. Coconut is a powerful superfood, which is evident given all these tremendous coconut oil benefits.

Reduces Inflammation.
In a study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in virgin coconut oil (VCO) reduced inflammation and treated arthritis more effectively than leading medications. In another recent study, coconut oil that was harvested with only medium heat was found to suppress inflammatory cells. It worked as both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Immune System Boost.
Coconut oil contains lauric acid (monolaurin), which is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria and create a hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites in the body.

You can replace grains and sugar in your diet with coconut oil as your natural fuel source when you're sick. Sugar feeds the growth of bad bacteria. Instead, take one tablespoon of coconut oil three times daily when sick, and consume plenty of vegetables and bone broth as well.

Improves Memory and Brain Function.
In a 2004 study published in the Journal of Neurobiology of Aging, researchers found that the MCFAs in coconut oil improved the memory problems in their older subjects.

Across all the patients there was a marked improvement in their recall ability after taking this fatty acid. As the MCFAs are absorbed easily in the body and can be accessed in the brain without the use of insulin. Thus, they are able to fuel brain cells more efficiently.

Digestive Health.
Coconut also improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. If coconut oil is taken at the same time as omega-3 fatty acids, it can make them twice as effective, as they are readily available to be digested and used by the body. Coconut oil can help improve bacteria and gut health by destroying bad bacteria and candida. Candida imbalance especially can decrease stomach acid, which causes inflammation and poor digestion. All this together means coconut oil benefits digestive health and helps treat or prevent stomach ulcers.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 3 Softgels
Servings per Container: 20

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - 3,000mg

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin(Bovine) and Purified Water.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.