Polymorph Plastic Pellets

What can I do with polymorph?

Polymorph pellets have many applications allowing you to create whatever you need once the pellets are melted.  By submerging the solid pellets in water which is 60 degree Celsius or hotter, the polymorph pellets will then fuse together. You can then mold a variety of shapes using the pellets or use it as a mound to take an impression and then wait for it to harden as it cools. The material is nontoxic, waterproof when cooled and is fully biodegradable.

How does it work?

When hot the polymorph is a flexible plastic which you can easily mold before it cools down. Once the polymorph has cooled it becomes very similar to nylon but stronger and tougher than most plastics used domestically. One of the main advantages of the Polymorph pellets is that it can be reheated and remolded as often as needed. Once you have a design that you are happy with you then have the option to paint your design using acrylic paints once cooled down.
