Be Your Own Dick
Private Investigating Made Easy

   Private investigating is all about fast cars, sexy
consorts, and unlimited expense accounts - on 
television. In real life, however, the world of the 
investigator requires excellent reseach skills, patience
and savvy to gather information from people, computers,
or the libbrary.

by Nick and Anita Evangelista

   Do you have your feet planted in the city but find yourself living more and more like you are in the country? Authors Nick and Anita Evangelista didn't know it then, but with the planting of a garden and the raising of a few chickens and rabbits and goats at their house (a mere 10 minutes from downtown Los Angeles) they'd taken their first steps on a journey that would lead them to a fixer farm in the Missouri Ozarks.

   In this, their latest book on the logistics of making the move from city to country life, the Evangelistas tell their own story and give you their honest appraisal of what kind of "stuff" it takes to make that move to the country, along with a liberal dose of laughs. You'll find out what kind of preparation and mind set it really takes to make that plunge from city to country. You'll discover how to keep going when everything around you seems to conspire to tell you this move was a huge mistake. Nick and Anita will give you invaluable advice about purchasing and care of livestock when you are a raw recruit and new to country life. This book shows you the underpinnings of living in the country, along with a rain dance and the requisite Elvis story thrown in just to make sure all the bases are covered.

   This is the book that tells you how it happened for them. It can happen for you, too. If you think country living may be the life for you, get this book today, because Country Living Is Risky Business.

5 1/2 x 8 1/2 228 pages


by Alice Morse Earle
Here's a curious little number for you ­p; an illustrated book on torture and torment inflicted by the Church and the State, first published in 1896. Chapters include: * The Bilboes * The Ducking Stool * The Stocks * The Pillory * Punishments of Authors and Books * The Whipping Post * The Scarlet Letter * Pranks and Gags * Public Penance * Military Punishments * Branding and Maiming * And more.
Each chapter is illustrated with a drawing of the punishment in action. Written by a well known colonial historian of her day, Curious Punishments Of Bygone Days will be of interest to anyone interested in torture and torment, in crime and punishment, in guilt and justice, and in the never-ending saga of man's inhumanity to man.
4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 149 pages


Duncan Long
Industrial spies try to uncover legal or financial problems, violations of government regulations, marketing plans, new product information or other company secrets.
Defeating Industrial Spies shows how to stop them. It covers every aspect of information security, including physical plant, employees, guards, computers, bugs and wiretaps, and much more.
1991, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 132 pp, illustrated, soft cover.


by Bill and Ruth Kaysing
Want more energy, more robust, vigorous health? Then you must eat food that can impart these well -being characteristics and this book will be your faithful guide. As an important bonus, you will learn how to save lots of money and learn how to enjoy three homemade meals for a cost of less than one dollar per meal!
Chapters included in Part I are:
* How to shop on 99¢ a meal * What to buy to stock your pantry * Where to shop and how to do it * How to develop your bargaining skills * Where to pick fresh foods for free * Your kitchen is your workshop * Food you can grow yourself * How to preserve your perishables * What you should know about sugar.
In Part II:
* How to Cook on 99¢ a meal * The golden rule: Eat less, waste nothing * Sample 99¢ menus * The noble spud to your budget's rescue * Soybeans: The money-saving meat substitute * A checklist of health and money-saving hints * Recommended reading, and much, much more.
Eat Well For 99¢ A Meal tells us how we can all live better, more healthful lives at a fraction of the cost we now spend on food. Want more energy? Want more robust, vigorous health? Get your copy today and Eat Well For 99¢ A Meal!
1996, 51¦2 x 81¦2, 204 pp, illustrated, indexed, soft cover.

How Modern Frauds Work and How to Protect Yourself
by Victor Santoro

   Whether it's telemarketers jerking your chain, doctors doing surgery on your bank account, or lawyers performing a little modus up-your-end-i, people are getting screwed more than ever before. You need protection. And that's where Victor Santoro comes in. Economic Sodomy is a catalog of modern frauds and cons that will leave you sore! Read about one U.S. city that got reamed so bad they declared it "Sucker's Day," and celebrate it every year! Here are some other scams sure to rub you the wrong way:

· How bankers and stockbrokers use your assets as collateral for their personal loans · Why you should never use doctors that have their own labs · Two easy medical frauds that are impossible to detect · A dry-cleaning scam that netted a con man a quick five grand · How to get a free rental car · New high-tech cons involving cellular phones, cash machines and credit cards · And much more, including "cappers," "the rock box scam," "cop freaks," and "the dog con!"
   The sad part about most of these scams is that they're perfectly legal: they follow the letter of the law, while violating your sacred trust. But Victor Santoro provides you with intelligent advice on how to protect yourself. Learn to give your doctor an exam, give your lawyer the third degree, analyze your shrink. And if all else fails, Santoro shows you how to turn the tables and con the con men for revenge. Economic Sodomy is a probing exposé of modern cons with all the facts you need to shield yourself. Don't get caught without it!

5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 192 pages

by Ned Beaumont

   Everything's a Racket is cutthroat cultural criticism from the sometimes skewed viewpoint and in the savage style that characterizes Ned Beaumont. This book tells us clearly just what rackets are and why human nature seems to make them both omnipresent and inevitable.

   Everything's a Racket is a cutthroat cultural criticism from the sometimes skewed viewpoint and in the savage style that characterizes Ned Beaumont. This book tells us clearly just what rackets are and why human nature seems to make them both omnipresent and inevitable.

   At the root of these exposed rackets lies "the theory of rackets," rackets being the schemes by which the lazy and the incompetent seek to gain something-for-nothing.

   Ned Beaumont targets:

* the government, but only in relation to the banks and the money system
* big time sports
* computer culture
* and big media
   His ammunition consists of a broad range of examples drawn from history, literature and the daily news, but his real aim is directed toward the reader's mind. His target? Our collective funny bone. Through a veil of humor we are able to see through the self-importance of the racketeers and the silliness of their schemes for ourselves.

   In the future we'll be able to recognize the racketmongers and deal with them accordingly. Get Everything's a Racket and see for yourself. You won't get fooled again.

5 1/2 x 8 1/2 232 pages

Tools and Techniques
by Bart Rommel

   Execution is ceremonial killing by a state or government-like group. This book is a chilling examination of capital punishment, showing how the motives and methods have changed through the centuries.
   Execution contains detailed descriptions of all the techniques used to officially extinguish human life:
* Hanging
* Electrocution
* Beheading
* Shooting
* Gassing
* Lethal Injection
* And bizarre techniques such as burning, drowning, entombment, drawing & quartering, and death by torture
* There's also a chapter on future technology.
   Execution is not for those with weak stomachs. Killing people is not pretty or clean. Yet government-sanctioned murder is performed on a regular basis. For those who want the facts on capital punishment, there is no other book like Execution.
5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 123 pages


by Victor Santoro
Victor Santoro is back with another fine book on Frauds, Rip-Offs And Con Games. Contents include: *The Dirty White Collar
*Securities Swindles and Theft *The "Terrible Williamsons"
*The Gypsies: Criminal Life-styles *Restaurant Scams
*Credit Cards: Cons and Catches *"Financial Planners"
*Intellectual Fads: Selling Counterfeit Ideas *Coat-Tailing *Fraud Salad: An Assortment of Con Games *And much, much more.
The woods are full of wolves ­p; don't be a sheep! Learn all about Frauds, Rip-Offs And Con Games from this exciting book.
1988, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 188 pp, soft cover.


by Bolton Hall
"One of the most curious of delusions is the belief that widespread and deep-rooted evils can be cured by trifling remedies. Thus, for the ills arising from political corruption and misgovernment by organizations formed for the purpose of securing political offices, we find it gravely suggested as a remedy that we should 'elect good men to office.' Apart from the absurdity of dividing men into the good and the bad, this plan for abolishing effects without touching causes is ridiculous. Political corruption is not, as some moralists seem to believe, the result of men's sinful nature, nor is it due to unscrupulous 'machines.' It has its origin in the conditions which keep large numbers of people in involuntary idleness; which every year force ten thousand business men into bankruptcy, which make a struggle for a bare subsistence the lot of the great majority of the voters of the country; and which create large classes ready to ally themselves for gain with adventurers who trade as professional politicians. Having its roots thus deep in the rotten soil of ignorance and violation of economic laws, it is easy to see that the efforts of 'Good Government Clubs,' 'Municipal Reform Leagues,' and similar organizations of well-meaning citizens must fail to accomplish the ends for which they are working. So long as law-created conditions prevent the masses from acquiring intelligence or using their intelligence for useful purposes, so long will it be impossible to have clean politics."
5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 199 pp, illustrated, soft cover.

Second Edition
by James Wilson

   Do you want to write? Why? Is it because you think it's an exciting career? Do you think it's glamorous, intellectual, emotionally rewarding, or perhaps, it pays well?
   Written by an author who has made his living writing 70 books and more than 1,000 magazine articles for over twenty years, this book gives you the down-and-dirty facts about writing for money. Freelance Writer's Handbook shows you:
* The benefits of writing as a career
* Myths about writing
* Getting started
* Seeking a market
* Editors
* How writers get paid
* Tricks of the trade
* Handling rejections
* Understanding contracts
* Some important "Don'ts"
* And much, much more.
   Much has happened since the first edition of this classic, and technological advancements have led to this second edition. New developments include faster computers, digital photography, e-mail, electronic submissions, and e-publishing, to name a few. Let a real professional show you the ropes. So before you quit your day job, check out Freelance Writer's Handbook.
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 222 pages


Reading the Genitals
by Dr. Seymore Klitz and Dr. Ima Peeper

   MEN: Do you have the cock that all women love?

   WOMEN: Will your pussy please the men in your life?

   Join the elite corps of Genitologists who can answer these questions and more. Find out how you "fit" with the opposite sex. Discover your genital type and the types you are most compatible with. With full illustrations and complete analysis, there is nothing left to the imagination.

   In recent years a tremendous resurgence of interest has arisen in the genitals. With this arousal has come a reformation of ancient principles into the modern science of Genitology. It is based on ageless wisdom, nevertheless it has taken the thrust of modern research to truly bring together these ancient principles in a form that can be embraced by modern man.

   Do not be fooled. This is the cream of research. What we have in Genitologyis a compact manual of intensely useful material that will, in a few short hours, start you on the road to successfully reading anyone's genitals. Be prepared to amaze your friends and confound your enemies with the information in this book.

   In this amazing volume are revealed: · The History of Genitology · How to do a correct reading for males · How to do a correct reading for females · How to interpret the readings. All known varieties of both male and female genitalia are covered... er, uncovered. Find out things you never thought you'd know about Genitology! We recommend this book very highly for anyone considering getting into the area of the genitals.

5 1/2 x 8 1/2 126 pages