collectible matches Erotica hot sexy naked girls Overflow image

I think it's made in Germany, but I could be wrong. In the photo you see an image of naked girls, when you tilt the body, the image changes and another naked girl appears. Used, most matches in stock. It is a stretch to open, possibly due to partial deformation of the box part (bottom). Condition can be seen in the photos, if you have any questions please ask before purchasing the item.

Please see real photographs for all details and condition of the item. What you see is what you get, if you have any questions or need additional photos as well as other information, please contact me before purchasing the item, I will provide all the information possible. Color may differ from photo. Actual colors may vary slightly from your display depending on your monitor settings.

In the photo, I tried to convey the condition of the item as best as possible, if you have additional questions, please ask them before the completion of the transaction, I will be happy to answer them.

Some photos may have reflections, this is the result of daylight entering when photographing an object, I can add a photo upon request.

I remind you that when buying several lots, you can significantly save on shipping (I send lots together).

Thank you for watching and happy shopping

ATTENTION!!! Perhaps there is no information in the announcement, so I clarify, I send lots around the world, except for Russia, Belarus (a principled position). The shipping cost indicated in the ad is valid worldwide.

Sending is possible worldwide, except for the indicated countries, please ask for any relevant details.

When buying several lots, we combine them into one package, if when buying several lots, funds are debited from your account for each lot for delivery, I issue a refund of your money that exceeds the shipping limit.

You can also tell me about the lots that you want to purchase, I can combine them into one lot with an indication of the total amount of goods and shipping, so it will be profitable.

I accept returns, sending the return at the expense of the sender.

Please note that I am not a payer of taxes and customs duties established by the country of the recipient (if such rules are established by your country), such taxes are paid by the buyer.
Due to the situation in Ukraine, as well as due to interruptions in the work of the delivery service, the parcel may sometimes be delayed, please treat this with understanding.