Two Tung-sol 5751WA Tubes


Test Results:

Gm >780 is good and 1200 is average new


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PREAMP TUBE GAIN Comparison Numbers

("amplification factor")

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More information:

The tube equivalent to the 5751 tube type is the 7025 tube. While the 5751 and the 12AX7 are not identical, they are often interchangeable in many applications. The 5751 is a lower gain version of the 12AX7, offering about 70% of the gain of a 12AX7. This makes the 5751 ideal for use in guitar amplifiers and other audio equipment where a lower gain is desirable, as it can provide a cleaner sound with less distortion. It's important to note that while these tubes are often interchangeable, the specific requirements and characteristics of the equipment should be considered when making a substitution.


Inventory # Temp 5-B 335277812696