This is an armor set for a Star Wars biker scout. It is made of vacuumed formed PVC. It is designed to fit anyone between 5'9 and 6'3. Because of that, it is not yet trimmed to size. It needs trimming to fit properly. I bought this from the manufacturer for $500 back in 2005 and never did anything with it. It has been sitting in a box for... twenty years. Holy crap I'm old. I know it needs some work, it is absolutely a hobby set, not a off-the-shelf costume. But PVC will last you a lot longer than vinyl or ABS, and this will actually offer moderate protection from impacts. No fear of dropping it and having it crack. No boots, no helmet, no undergarments. What you see is what you get. I hope this is helpful, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Will accept best offer. Good luck!