Man Overboard. Manliness from a Female Point of View. [From: The New Republic online]. About "Manliness", By Harvey C. Mansfield, Yale University Press.

von Nussbaum, Martha Craven:

Nussbaum, Martha Craven:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
Typoscript. 11 p.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Cross-folded, otherwise very clean. - From the text: Suppose a philosophical scholar-let us call this scholar S — with high standards, trained in and fond of the works of Plato and Aristotle, wished to investigate, for a contemporary American audience, the concept of "manliness," a concept closely related to the one that Plato and Aristotle called andreia, for which the usual English rendering is "courage.” (Harvey Mansfield himself tells us that andreia is his subject.) How would this scholar go about it? Well, following the lead of Aristotle, S would probably begin by laying out the various widespread beliefs about the topic, especially those held by reputable people. S would also consider the opinions of well-known philosophers. In setting down all these opinions, S would be careful to get people's views right and to read their writings carefully, looking not just for assertions but also for the arguments that support them. - Wikipedia: Martha Craven Nussbaum born May 6, 1947) is an American philosopher and the current Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago, where she is jointly appointed in the law school and the philosophy department. She has a particular interest in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, political philosophy, existentialism, feminism, and ethics, including animal rights. She also holds associate appointments in classics, divinity, and political science, is a member of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies, and a board member of the Human Rights Program. She previously taught at Harvard and Brown.
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Man Overboard. Manliness from a Female Point of View. [From: The New Republic online].

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