The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print.

von Sawday, Jonathan and Neil Rhodes (eds. ):

Sawday, Jonathan and Neil Rhodes (eds. ):
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge., 2000.
Format / Einband
kart. / Paperback. XI, 212 S. / p.
ca. 417 g
Leicht berieben und bestoßen, sonst tadelloser Zustand / Slightly rubbed and bumped, otherwise in perfect condition - CONTENTS -- List of illustrations -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Paperworlds: Imagining the Renaissance Computer -- NEIL RHODES AND JONATHAN SAWDAY -- The Silence of the Archive and the Noise of Cyberspace -- LEAH S. MARCUS -- Towards the Renaissance Computer -- JONATHAN SAWDAY -- From Trivium to Quadrivium: Ramus, Method and Mathematical Technology -- TIMOTHY J. REISS -- Textual Icons: Reading Early Modern Illustrations -- STEPHEN ORGEL -- The Early Modern Search Engine: Indices, Title Pages, Marginalia and Contents -- THOMAS N. CORNS -- National and International Knowledge: the Limits of the Histories of Nations -- ANDREW HADFIELD -- Arachne's Web: Intertextual Mythography and the Renaissance Actaeon -- SARAH ANNES BROWN -- The Daughters of Memory: Thomas Heywood's Gunaikeion and the Female Computer -- NONNA CROOK AND NEIL RHODES -- vii -- Pierre de La Primaudaye's French Academy: Growing Encyclopaedic -- ANNE LAKE PRESCOTT -- In the Wilderness of Forms: Ideas and Things in Thomas Browne's Cabinets of Curiosity -- CLAIRE PRESTON -- Articulate Networks: the Self, the Book and the World -- NEIL RHODES -- Notes on contributors -- Further reading -- Index. ISBN 9780415220644
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The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print.

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