We are Everywhere. Written in Cook County Jail. By Jerry Rubin.

von Rubin, Jerry:

Rubin, Jerry:
Verlag / Jahr
Harper & Row Publishers; New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London, 1971.
Format / Einband
255 Seiten; sehr zahlr. Illustr. (Fotografie); 20,5 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar; der illustr. Einband leicht berieben; kl. Knickspuren; hs. Besitzvermerk. - Englisch. - Sehr zahlreiche Fotografien. - "This Book is dedicated to the Weather Underground". - Jerry Rubin (* 14. Juli 1938 in Cincinnati, Ohio; † 28. November 1994 in Los Angeles) war ein bekannter US-amerikanischer Aktivist in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren und Anarchist. Er leitete einige der ersten Proteste gegen den Vietnamkrieg und wurde wegen der gewalttätigen Übergriffe, die wegen des Parteitages der Demokraten stattfanden, vor Gericht gestellt. ... (wiki) // " … But in the summer of 1970 I found myself locked up for 60 days in Chicago's Cook County Jail, that medieval dungeon. For the first week I was depressed, thinking of the friends, rock festivals and July 4th smoke-in that I was missing. A friend in jail, high up in the Mafia, kept suggesting to me that I write a book "about this hellhole." I decided to try, and I found that I ended my jail depression by pouring out my soul on paper every day. I was in jail on a bullshit beef anyway. It's tough being in jail: it's even tougher if you feel you're getting a raw deal. I had just been through a five-and-a-half month federal conspiracy trial, been sentenced to five years for inciting to riot and two years contempt of court, and now the state of Illinois was threatening to put me on trial again for the same charges. Illinois was pushing for a trial and I was worried about being found guilty and getting five years in Joliet, the state pen. So a "deal" was worked out. And the manner of the deal shows just how crooked is Amerikan injustice. The judge said he felt I had already been tried by a federal court and as far as he was concerned, the state charges should be dropped. The prosecutor said he personally didn't care much, but his boss did. "How will it look in the papers if we let 'Jerry Rubin' off easy?" he asked the judge. He further added that if the judge let me off, the prosecutors would publicly attack him in the press. This conversation took place out of court and at a closed-door meeting between the judge, prosecutors and my lawyers. (I had the room tapped.) They were negotiating my freedom. It was decided to give me just enough time to satisfy the appetite of the prosecutors and keep the press happy- "just enough time so it won't look in the press like we're letting Jerry Rubin off." I was offered 60 days, the first 30 to be served concurrently with a sentence in Virginia growing out of the 1967 Pentagon demonstration. I felt shitty about it, but I accepted 'cause 60 days is better than five years. So I pleaded guilty and resigned myself to a summer behind bars, happy knowing that I had hurt and would continue to hurt the USA government more than they could ever hurt me. Most of this book, then, is a journal that I wrote in longhand on loose-leaf notebook paper every day in Cook County Jail. I'd wake up every morning at 4:30 A.M. along with the prisoners getting up for court call. I'd drink a cup of coffee and work myself into a writing stupor. It was hard writing without grass, but I discovered that the stark barrenness of the jail environment produced a different kind of creative high. And often we also got grass and other psychedelics smuggled in. … " (Seite 6) ISBN 06013724X
Jerry Rubin; USA; Anarchismus; Geschichte; Amerika; Zeitgeschichte; Photographie; Protestbewegung; Politik
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We are Everywhere. Written in Cook County Jail. By Jerry Rubin.

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