Wisteria and Titmouse. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock]. Signed “ Hiroshige hitsu ”; publisher’s seal reading “ Shoeido ” and censor’s seal.

von Hiroshige, Ichiryusai:

Hiroshige, Ichiryusai:
Verlag / Jahr
w/o place, w/o year.
Format / Einband
Leaflet 28,5*42 cm, Art print 13*38 cm. Front cover with a small image of the art print, 1 side text, 1 side with art print fixed to one side, back side blank.
ca. 550 g
Leaflet slightly bumped at the lower edge in the fold, art print very good. Text in Japanese and English. - Chu-tanzaku - (Unregistered) - Beginning about the same time as his designs for o-tanzaku bird- and-flower subjects, but continuing over a longer span of years, Hiroshige designed at least fifty-seven bird-and-flower prints in the chu-tanzaku format which were published either by Kawaguchi Shbzo or Fujioka Hikotaro. "Wisteria and Titmouse" is one of those published by the Kawaguchiya. Later, around 1850, Hiroshige wrote in an essay entitled Ehon Tebikigusa (Illustrated Hints on Drawing), " Pictures derive from the shape of objects. Thus a picture is created when the artist's brush interpretation is added to drawing faithful to nature." This attitude toward painting is well illustrated by "Wisteria and Titmouse." Hiroshige's powers of observation are apparent in the lifelike pose of the titmouse clinging to the wisteria vine. And the delicate carving of the woodblocks has preserved even the hair marks of the brush in the lines for the wisteria vine. The leaves and petals of the flowers, however, are impression-istically rendered in color blocks only, forgoing outline. The inscribed comic verse by Hachijintei reads: Like the purple dyed cloth On the dyer's drying trellis Are the wisteria flowers Hanging from the eaves. Nothing is known of the poet Hachijintei, except that his signature Hachijintei Kenjb appears on a Hiroshige surimono of 1823.
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EUR 18,00
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Wisteria and Titmouse. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock].

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