Songs of Men and Women - Miniature Volume. With frontispiece by S. B. Pearse.

von Browning, Robert:

Browning, Robert:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Sisley's., o. J..
Format / Einband
Wildleder oxydiert mit Goldschnitt. 81 S. / p., 1 Abb.
ca. 550 g
Men and Women is a collection of fifty-one poems in two volumes by Robert Browning, first published in 1855. While now generally considered to contain some of the best of Browning's poetry, at the time it was not received well and sold poorly. -- Browning himself was very fond of the collection, referring to the poems as "My fifty men and women" ( from the opening line in One Word More ) , and today, Men and Women has been described as one of Victorian England's most significant books. - Inhalt: A Pretty Woman -- Love among the Ruins -- A Lover's Quarrel -- Evelyn Hope -- A Woman's Last Word -- A Serenade at the Villa -- Love in a Life -- Life in a Love -- In Three Days -- In a Year -- Two in the Campagna -- Any Wife to Any Husband -- One Way of Love -- Another Way of Love -- Misconceptions.
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Songs of Men and Women - Miniature Volume.

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