Eight Parlor Scenes Based on Famous Birds — The Eagle and Night Bells. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock]. Signed “Koryusai ga”.

von Koryusai, Isoda:

Koryusai, Isoda:
Verlag / Jahr
w/o place, w/o year.
Format / Einband
Leaflet 28,5*42 cm, Art print 18,6*26 cm. Front cover with a small image of the art print, 1 side text, 1 side with art print fixed to one side, back side blank.
ca. 550 g
Leaflet slightly bumped at the lower edge in the fold, art print very good. Text in Japanese and English. - Chuban Nishikie - (Important Art Object) A handsome youth who has just finished painting an eagle on a standing screen rests his brush on one knee, while appraising the results of his labors. The young girl, wearing a kimono patterned with seaweed and shells, and a wave-patterned obi, stands at his back, gazing intently at the painting of the fierce bird. Why this bird of prey was chosen to symbolize the sound of temple bells at night involves considerable interpretation. Perhaps Koryusai chose the eagle to parody a Chinese verse: Invisible through the obstructing clouds Is the shrine of Lord Brahma; The temple bells' peal Is wafted on the evening breeze. Or did the artist, remembering the "Night Bells at Mii" from the set "Eight Views of Lake Biwa" (or the song "Mountain of the Eagles" from the play Mii Temple), intend to evoke associations with the Holy Eagle Mountain of Buddhism?
Unser Preis
EUR 18,00
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Eight Parlor Scenes Based on Famous Birds — The Eagle and Night Bells. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock].

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