In Front of the Tomiyoshiya. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock]. Signed “Suzuki Harunobu hitsu”; publisher’s seal “Nishimiya”.

von Harunobu, Suzuki:

Harunobu, Suzuki:
Verlag / Jahr
w/o place, w/o year.
Format / Einband
Leaflet 28,5*42 cm, Art print 14*31 cm. Front cover with a small image of the art print, 1 side text, 1 side with art print fixed to one side, back side blank.
ca. 550 g
Leaflet slightly bumped at the lower edge in the fold, art print very good. Text in Japanese and English. - Chuban Nishikie - (Important Art Object) The majority of Harunobu's prints date from the second year of Meiwa (1765), when his nishikie (brocade prints) first appeared, to his death about six years later. This benizurie by Harunobu is important as a rare example of Harunobu's style immediately preceding his innovation of the nishikie print. The nature of the Tomiyoshiya is not clear, but the spiral pattern of its awning cloth is repeated on the apron of the servant attending the young girl, probably a popular beauty of the establishment who is shown at the moment just before opening her umbrella.
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EUR 18,00
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In Front of the Tomiyoshiya. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock].

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