Jörg Immendorf. Maleri og tegning / Painting and drawing.

von Bonde, Lisbeth:

Bonde, Lisbeth:
Verlag / Jahr
Kopenhavn : Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, 2006.
Format / Einband
Broschur; Orig.-Umschlag. 28 Seiten, zahlr. Abb.
ca. 550 g
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Sprache: Dänisch und Englisch. / EN: Perfect copy. - Language: Danish and english. / „In the autumn of 2005, Immendorff showed the exhibition ‘Male Lago’ at Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, the most important art event in Europe that year. It was remarkable, partly through its volume of several hundred paintings, sculptures and pieces of furniture, partly through the narrative power of the works, and finally by the striking installation-like set up: Immendorf had constructed an entire ‘Lidl Village’, a kind of oppositional Dadaist parallel society - an idea he got as a revolutionar academy student back in the 1960s at Joseph Beuys’ school of painting in Düsseldorf. ‘The Village’ consisted of eight bright red houses with terraces that could be climbed. Within they functioned as actual muse-ums abounding with Immendorff’s narrative works, so rieh in material. We saw examples of experimental action art of the 1960s, across his radical leftist probings of the 1970s, in addition to his fabulous and punky historical paintings from the late 1970s and 1980s - pictures that were to decisively influence the young, wild painters in Denmark - all the way to the more mythological and formal template paintings from the new millennium, born and sampled on the Computer. Red foot paths connected the buildings that from above looked like a heart with ventricles and blood vessels.“
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Jörg Immendorf. Maleri og tegning / Painting and drawing.

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