Index of Japanese Painters

von Society, of Friends of E.Art:

Society, of Friends of E.Art:
6. Auslage
Verlag / Jahr
Tuttle Publishing, 1973.
Format / Einband
, Hardcover/Pappeinband 160 Seiten
ca. 270 g
Hardcover, linen bound book in great condition. Includes a belly-band with additional information as well as fold-out pages with diagrams. Hardcover, leinengebundenes Buch in gutem Zustand. Enthält einen Bauchband mit zusätzlichen Informationen sowie ausklappbare Seiten mit Diagrammen. Contents: "Among the growing mass of information and literature on Far Eastern art there has been a notable lack of a concise, easy-to-use reference book concentrating on important names-of people, places, and schools-in Japanese painting. The Index of Japanese Painters provides this information at a minimum cost in just such practical format. Besides a list of some six hundred names and short biographies of the more prominent painters of the various Japanese schools, the main bulk of which ranges from those of the 15th to the early 20th century, there are convenient lists of albums containing reproductions of representative paintings of the various schools; also a list of names of places with corresponding Chinese character, and explanations of the schools themselves. Though modest in scope, this book, therefore, admirably serves as a handy reference and guide for both the expert and the layman in the field of Japanese art." ISBN 9780804802628
Unser Preis
EUR 32,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Index of Japanese Painters

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